Blog / Me

Will Mayger

Will Mayger - Senior JavaScript, React, and Frontend developer

Will MaygerWill Mayger
January 01, 2019

I am a senior JavaScript/React/Frontend engineer.

I am currently employed at Babylon Health after previously being part of The Telegraph and Capgemini.

I am highly motivated, passionate, friendly and love to learn.

I specialise in JavaScript and ReactJS. I have a total of 7 years of professional experience in JavaScript and frontend development, with 4-5 years of professional experience with ReactJS amongst other things such as full stack.

I am now a contributor to GatsbyJs as of this year and plan to keep it going :D!

I only post things I have real world experience and interest in. I write so I can learn and improve whilst also helping others!

I want Atomized Objects to be a clear, and easy source of valuable information for everyone who is interested.

I hope you enjoy reading and following my blog.

If you want to see more info on myself checkout my portfolio Will Mayger - Senior JavaScript, React, and Frontend developer.

If you want to find me on social media, Follow me on twitter @mayger_will.

Or find me on LinkedIn Will Mayger.

Good things are coming, don't miss out!

Good things are coming, don't miss out!

Follow me on Twitter to stay up to date and learn frontend, React, JavaScript, and TypeScript tips and tricks!

Some graphics used on this post were made using icons from flaticon.

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Good things are coming, don't miss out!

Good things are coming, don't miss out!

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